Overwhelm. It’s a common visitor to the ADHD mind. Of course, you don’t need to have ADHD to get overwhelmed. Information overload and an abundance of consumer options plagues our society to the point of paralysis. Throw in a mind, though, that runs like a...
The ADHD brain possesses some incredible innate characteristics commonly shared with entrepreneurs. For example, adults with ADHD are 300% more likely to start their own business1. Yep. Surprising, yet true… As an adult with ADHD, my mind is always looking for...
ADHD and Motivation Insights My ADHD diagnosis in 2012 gave me a lot of profound insights regarding productivity and motivation. In my research, I learned that it’s not uncommon for people with ADHD to have problems with internal motivation, and instead, rely a...
With all the hype lately surrounding Season 4 of The Walking Dead, one has to wonder what a zombie apocalypse would look like from the perspective of someone with ADHD. Not that it’s been on my mind, but I’m just curious… What if zombies took over...
(Photo: DivaInTrainingDesigns) Chores. Chores. Where to begin… We all know that chores are a part of life and they must get done. Of course, for many, maybe most, they are absolutely no fun at all. That probably doesn’t matter to the neat freaks out there...
Back in 2005, I went to Las Vegas for my first time. Two of my best friends – and fellow Marines – went with me. We were between Iraq deployments and needed a break. Of course, it was more than just a break for me. I won’t get into all the details of the...