Back in December, I ran a survey asking you, my fellow ADHDers, what your best and worst ADHD-related moments were for 2013. As expected, I received some interesting responses. A few were pretty extreme, but most were fairly humbling. Many of the “worst ADHD...
Anxiety is one of the biggest problems facing adults with ADHD these days. Sometimes, it’s a direct result of untreated ADHD symptoms. Sometimes, it just happens to be a co-existing anxiety disorder like OCD or a phobia. According to Roberto Olivardia, Ph.D, a...
I know it seems a bit crazy to think a distractible, hyperactive, impulsive person can be a millionaire, but that’s just what society has led many of us to believe. That’s part of the stigma around ADHD. The truth of the matter is that many wealthy ADHDers...
5 hours of focus, concentration, and energy for $3? “Not bad,” says the ADHD-riddled mindset. Even if you had one 2 oz. bottle every day for a month, which comes out to roughly $90, many prescription stimulants like Ritalin, Adderrall, Vyvanse, and...
Oooof! Silence. Stars. Breathlessness. For one very slow blink, the world stood still. It took me a second, maybe two, to realize I just been slammed on the ground. Somehow, I managed to regain my composure, though. One minute later, I saw an opportunity and forced my...