Sick Of Low Energy And High Stress? Finally, A Fitness Challenge That Turns Busy Dads Into Fit, Mentally Tough Dads In Less Than 3 Hours A Week

Imagine being that dad who’s got it together – you know, the one that excels at work, who chases his kids around the playground without getting winded, and still has the stamina to show up for his wife at home… The same dad who bounces back quickly after a crisis…

For most of my life after the Marine Corps, I had a career and stayed in decent shape. I went to the gym 3-5 days a week and bulked up to a muscular 185 lbs. Eventually, I got back into running too. Like many men though, once I became a dad, my world was turned upside down. 

I struggled for years to regain some consistency with the gym and exercising. Early mornings. Lunch shifts. Long weekend warrior sessions. Late night workouts. Video bootcamps like P90X and Insanity. Afternoon martial arts classes. Buddy runs. Day hikes – with and without the kiddos. I tried a lot of things, but my fitness was never consistent, not like it was in the Corps. 

To add fuel to the fire, as my fitness fluctuated and the seasons of life changed, I saw fluctuations in my job and family life as well. When work picked up, I stopped going to the gym and then would overcompensate by spending lengthy sessions in the gym the first chance I had. I also would (wrongfully) get resentful toward my wife and kids when I started developing a “dad pouch” because it seemed like I never had time to work out. Then, my performance at work started suffering too. Low energy, easily distracted, prone to mistakes, always exhausted… I can’t tell you how many times my GP told me I had high blood pressure!

When I became a personal trainer in 2022, things slowly began to shift for me. I got smarter and used everything I learned about fitness, behavior change, and my own unique experiences to change my life. 

After a couple years of trial and error, doing what I love, and reigniting my faith, I was rockin’ and rollin’! I broke sub-20% bodyfat, decreased my blood pressure to normal levels, decreased my resting heart rate to low 50s, and my strength and conditioning are better now at 40 than they were as young Marine in my 20s! Not only that, but I have more grit, more energy, and am better able to maintain that fine balance between fitness, work, and family life.

So today, I’m excited to announce a new challenge that’s ready for release. A challenge that can be reused over and over and get you the results you’re looking for… Introducing… Dad Grit Fit!

Dad Grit Fit

✔️ Get fit, lose weight, and build muscle without sacrificing family or work time

✔️ Achieve well-rounded fitness levels to optimize metabolic burn, energy, endurance, and functional strength

✔️ Develop better eating habits that are sustainable for your busy lifestyle

✔️ Enhance your mental strength, confidence, and ability to bounce back from adversities that busy dads commonly face

✔️ Increase motivation and foster a sense of camaraderie with men who are on the same path as you

✔️ 4 carefully-selected strength and cardio workouts each week for busy dads to build muscle and boost metabolism in less than 45 mins a workout

✔️ Auto-delivered programming: Every week, you’ll get an email with the upcoming week’s workouts, meal guidelines, and mental toughness challenges

✔️ A Discord-hosted community to share wins, ask questions, and interact with, plus a hand-picked fireteam of other busy dads on the same journey as you

✔️ Weekly Zoom calls to come together as a community and celebrate victories

✔️ Weekly holistic life guidance on balancing things like work, life, fitness, faith, and resilience

✔️ Incentivized participation: Killer prizes for the top teams at the end of each 12-week cycle!

The value in “Dad Grit Fit” could easily be in the thousands. Think about it. The cost of NOT maintaining your physical and mental health can easily range from $20,000 to $30,000 per year in direct and indirect expenses. That includes:

✔️ Medical bills and medication costs (~$10.7K/yr)

✔️ Loss of productivity due to poor health and absenteeism (~$1.7-2.7K/yr)

✔️ Cost of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, hypertension (~$1-19K/yr)

✔️ Cost of untreated mental health conditions like depression and anxiety (~$2-4.5K/yr)

Not to mention the cost of being out of commission as a dad and not being there to help your family or keep up with your kiddos… Which is why we’re offering the first round of the challenge completely FREE for the first 6 dads who sign up… Pay nothing and get 12 free weeks to test your physical and mental fortitude within a community of like-minded dads.

Why am I doing this? Because we believe every dad deserves to be fit and strong and mentally tough, without breaking the bank. Your family and wives deserve the best you too.

Don’t wait! Every day you delay is another day you miss out on feeling and looking your best as a busy dad. Enroll today and start transforming your life. Spots are limited and the first challenge starts August 25th!

Can’t wait to see you on the other side!

Coach Jerry Bair

NASM CPT, Spartan SGX Coach, USMC Veteran